Monday 14 October 2024

Still here...

Now I am not one to write reams and reams on a blog as my time is limited and my attention span is like that of a gnat or perhaps a butterfly. Anyhoo, before its the end of the year I thought I would just remind myself to post a few things in regards to wargaming in general.

1. After thinking long and hard about it, I am relinquishing the editorship of Slingshot. I have 2 more issues to go and then hopefully hand on to another kindly soul to move it forward in 2025. Its been fun but it is too time sapping for me currently as I have a lot of juggling to do currently including a new career (well a new direction of work anyway), looking after an elderly relative with dementia and deciding to renovate the house before I am too old to do it. I do find myself saying things like..."if I do this well, it'll see me out..." etc  

2. I want to get back into wargaming proper with proper people and so I will be attending a few more shows over the next few months and into 2025. I will also be availing myself of playing against human opponents when the opportunity arises....

3. I am also playing more online stuff against AI such as the excellent Slitherine 'Field of Glory' series of PC games 

4. I do need to do more painting

5. If I am stepping back from the editorship of Slingshot it will allow me to write more stuff as articles per se for the said publication

6. Enjoy my wargaming...


Saturday 6 July 2024

A Very Late Salute

 I had intended to do a write up for Slingshot 352 (May/June) of my day at Salute 51 back in April but never seemed to have the time. I have therefore decided to post something here and maybe distil, smarten it up for Slingshot 353...maybe. Salute is one of those wargaming shows that, especially if you've never been, is a mind blowing experience.

I first went to Salute back in 1983, when it was held in the Kensington and Chelsea Town Hall. I was 14 and announced to my parents that I was off to London on the train to indulge myself in all things wargaming and RPG-ing. At the time I lived in a small town in South Wales called Caldicot (and as I write, I am sat in another small town, Undy, only 4 miles away) which had the thing that all teenagers needed in the 80's most...a railway station. Back in the 80's, the taxi of dad didn't exist as such and it certainly wouldn't go from South Wales to London and back in a day (although strangely it did do roughly the same distance when several steam-railway conventions popped up...). At the time, I was a 'paper-boy' and had a paper round so was earning money to supplement my pocket money. I had saved hard for a year to get myself enough money for the train, food and money to spend at the venue on the day. I planned it with military precision and knew to the penny how much I had and what would happen if I spent too much here or there. Of course, I did have an additional secret stash of 5p pieces for the phone box as an emergency only. Those were the days when kids were allowed to be kids and boundaries seemed to be limited only by imagination. I planned everything, saved hard and told my parents exactly what I was doing and did it. It all seemed to work back then...

Fast forward to 2024 and as editor of Slingshot I fancied a trip to Salute to slough off the post covid blues and to meet real people and see wargaming stuff up front and personal. I also needed a break as by this time I had been sole carer for my Mother and Father in Law for 4 years since the first lockdown. They never really came out of that closeted lifestyle even when things 'improved' in 2021/2. Unfortunately part of that timeframe also saw them succumb to Dementia and declining health which necessitated more and more looking after until I was almost a full time unpaid carer. My wife's own health took a tumble and she was unable to help and faced her own substantial challenges at the time. Still, in April 2024, I had managed to steady the ship in terms of help with the in-laws and with my wife being of better health and so felt able to attend. Incidentally, I had tried to attend the Society of Ancient's Battle day in the previous month but had fallen foul of carer duties that time. In all seriousness this was going to be the first proper wargame convention I had attended for probably around 20 years (the last ones being Salute and Attack back in the early 2000's).

Fast forward to the 13th April, and managed to organise some time to disengage myself from all of the duties I normally do on a day to day basis. Without boring the 3 people who might read this, work and home life is complicated and incredibly stressful. At the time I was looking after 2 elderly parents (in law) with dementia and battling to get support from outside agencies which is a very slow process and requires a lot of patience and a softish wall to bang your head against. I had also not long been involved in a road accident that really shook me up with broken bones and the like. I therefore need my hobby time to keep me upright and functioning. Editing Slingshot is actually a joy as I can lose myself in the hobby and hopefully bring a bit of joy to others who read it. Painting also helps me frame the stuff I have to deal with as its mindful although I havent done as much of late as I would wish to (but slowly increasing this). Visiting wargame shows was something as a lad and young (ish) adult that also fired my enthusiasm and allowed me to indulge dedicated time to the hobby and also, more importantly, see the goodies upfront and in person... 

The train was the obvious choice as the thought of driving from South Wales to London and then parking was not high on my list of enjoyable things to do. Being on the train would also mean I could relax and look forward to the show itself. The only wrinkle was that I had sold my 3-D printing set up (unused!) and was bringing with me to the show to meet up with the buyer in person. That meant 2 large bags and a rucksack which didnt fill me with the joys of spring on having to lug around with me. Still, money from the sale would greases the wheels of show purchases so not a bad trade off. I managed to get a cheap early train from Newport to Paddington which would allow me enough time to then get the Docklands train down to Excel, into the convention centre, meet up with my buyer (I know how that sounds...) and have some breakfast before joining the queue to the show itself. Phew...

All went to plan and I found myself sitting in one of the concessionary coffee bars in the main concourse, exchanging texts with my buyer (all very MI5...) as to where to meet and what I looked like. I struck up a conversation with a few guys from the Penarth Wargames Club who happened to be sitting next to me and it was actually nice to have a chit chat about the hobby, clubs and life in general. Fast forward one hour and I had divested myself of the 3-D printer stuff, pocketed some hard currency, finished my coffee and wandered off to the entrance hallway for the show. Wow...

There were a lot of people. I mean a lot. I can remember my previous visits at other venues and thought they were busy but this was on a new scale. I have to point out at this juncture that the South London Warlords should be applauded for the organisation of the event and from the get go it was well laid out and impossibly organised as wargamers come in all shapes and sizes and trying to herd thousands of them is a trick worthy of cats.    

The picture above doesnt do it justice but this was my bit of the queue.

Also, the Warlords took their security arrangements very seriously

Once in, I felt overwhelmed with the enormity of the layout as there were literally hundreds of games and vendors laid out in the arena waiting for the assembled hordes to descend. Looking back at it now I am sure that enough money with those vendors to keep a small island republic afloat. As in years past, carrier bags full of stuff were carted around the hall throughout the day and the smiles on the vendors faces were happy but very tired ones come the afternoon.

I had no particular agenda other than to:

a) actually wander around and visit vendors wares in person (this really doesnt happen otherwise in the days of electronic sales and few physical shops)
b) pop in and say hello to the Society stand 
c) take loads of pictures
d) to try not to spend too much with reference to point a) 

I was amazed at the mix both of vendors and and games being run. There was a kind of pirate vibe running through the show although it wasnt overpowering (good). Also there was much that wasnt historical and certainly not ancients orientated. That wasnt a turn off for me as I had spent a fair amount of my younger years doing Sci-Fi and fantasy roleplaying before 'specialising' in ancient wargaming. Having checked the layout and doing a quick 'once around' the hall I then settled down to the serious job of immersing myself in the show. 

discussion on the merits of dice. (the coiled rope was a subliminal nod to the pirate theme of the day!)

First off I decided to pay a visit to the small auditorium that had been set up in the hall for various events throughout the day which kicked off with a discussion on wargame design. I found it fairly engaging but not particularly insightful although I had to laugh when all the participants were asked to name their favourite dice and to a person they all came back with different choices (from memory, D6, D8, D10, D12 and D20).

Richard manning the Society stand (no pirates were harmed during this show)

After that 'warmer upper' I decided to pay the Society stand a visit and found Richard Jeffrey Cook manning it, er, manfully with additional support throughout the day. I then made a few circuits of the hall looking at all the games on show and merrily took a few snaps. It has to be said that the quality and sheer impressiveness of some of the games (too poor a descriptor as a lot were really fantastic dynamic dioramas with dice!) was awesome.

Battle of Ilipa using Strength and Honor rules (never heard of it...)

Excuse me Lady, you doth put me off my shot....

 Also whilst perusing the show I came across wargaming royalty (bow, scrape, etc)

Royal Bacon (Martin Goddard aka Peter Pig...oink)

Mark Backhouse and Guy Bowers (I can crush your armies with just these 2 digits...)

Simon Miller of 'To the Strongest' fame

After looking at these I then allowed myself some time to search out the traders and managed to poach a few 'show bargains' although that's what I told myself anyway...

Making a beeline for Baccus

By the middle of the afternoon it was time to go as I had a train to catch and a lot of responsibilities waiting for me at home. So I couldn't tarry any longer and made my way to the various stations along the way back. Unfortunately, the sting in the tail/tale is that upon my arrival at Newport train station I was greeted with a voicemail telling me to get back to my parents in law's house asap. I got there to just walk in on a paramedic calling the time of death of my mother in law, who as it transpires had had a heart attack half an hour earlier. She had really bad dementia (as does my father in law) and so in a way it was a quick passing but painful non-the-less. A bitter-sweet day and yet I know there would not have been anything I could have done to change the outcome but there you are.

At the risk of tempting fate, having been to a major wargame show for the first time in ages, I am now minded to go to another if the opportunity arises. Attack in Devizes is this month and a close-ish possibility. Another would be Colour in September. I'll keep an open mind and see where it takes me on the day and if the planets align...  

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Writing your own set of wargaming rules...

Having read quite a number of rulesets over the past few weeks in a search for that elusive 'dark age' set AND a few topical threads on various forums including the Society of Ancients own ones, I am minded to go back to the start with my attempt at writing my own rules.

Now I don't for one minute think I will achieve something that is any better or more importantly radically different to what is out there now. I just want to try and start afresh and re-examine what dark age wargaming means to me and thus what my ruleset should ideally look like and/or feature.

What has gone before

lots of other rulesets which I have looked at and got interested in and then got turned off by a few mechanisms I didnt like or disagreed with. I know that the addition of 'house rules' can fix these issues and for the solo gamer its an easy option. However, I think that I am like a child in a sweetshop and really just want to pick n mix the best bits from many sets plus a few twists of my own. My own attempt at a ruleset still sits there in draught form and giving me the occasional 'side-eye' but I am minded to start afresh

What I like

Grids or at least the absence of micro measurements for the purpose of speeding up gameplay and reducing faffing (even for a solo gamer). It also has the benefit of reducing the length of the rules that are being written or at least enables the movement aspects to be kept brief

A sense of units and armies in terms of figures on the table so not skirmish rules and more likely to use several 'elements' or bases to create units OR big bases representing a unit (this can be achieved both ways obviously)

Keeping troop types to a reasonable minimum (also reference the dark ages likely troop types/modes of fighting) but still allow for flexibility and differentiation so as not to have a 'mandatory' slug fest of identical troops on the table. The 2 aims do seem somewhat difficult to achieve at the onset but regional/historical/geo-political and socio-political differences allow for flavours to be endowed on different troops...but how?

Use of a minimum number of attributes in terms of assigned numbers/factors to troops/troop types appeals to me. Speeds up play for me (in my head at least), keeps things simple and means rule writing can be kept compact (even though it is only ever for me!)

Terrain should be clever and yet simple in its choice and execution...

There is also a need for randomness whether that's the use of dice, event cards or the like just as long as it doesn't unbalance the game with unrealistic results (or at least conforms to a standard bell curve of probability) 

Movement should be simple as per the grids comments above but in addition there shouldn't be too many fancy maneuvers regardless as this is the dark ages...

Command and control needs to be realistic but factor in things like effect of the generals/warlords on the troops commanded and not allow for too many complicated maneuvers or what appears to be unrealistic behaviours. However, simple is the watchword

Combat should be simple as in not too many factors but enough variety to ensure that there is always the outside chance of a potential upset but not ahistorical or illogical ones

Shooting should be very simple and as an aid or prelude to combat and not a machine gun effect of blowing holes in units on their own in a single bound

casualties/morale/combat effectiveness need to be tracked in some way preferably as simply as possible AND without too much tabletop 'clutter'. Visual attractiveness of the gaming board is important to me.

book keeping to be a minimum but not necessarily excluded entirely

a fixed battle length (for me) or end point so that a result is always achieved in a reasonable length of real time (max 2-3 hours sounds about right for me). should also be easy to adjudicate who has won or lost even if its marginal

ability to use the rules for a campaign series if required or desired

options to include a prescript and post script element to the battle

- pre = for example, random army generation or follow up from previous battles in a campaign

- post = for example the effects of the result on a campaign and future following battles

Next steps

Start writing a new draft of rules with the above caveats included. I can see that this will be a long and slow process and may become my new favourite rabbit hole. Let's see where I get to.

Also, I may have forgotten some aspects but the above has starters for 10 for me personally. Its really a musing to myself but welcome comments  


Thursday 4 January 2024

2024 and my Wargaming aspirations

To paint a few figures and to play a few games... After the 2023 I had, my expectations are low! In all seriousness I have my Dark Age project continuing in tandem in 10mm and 15mm. I am also tentatively starting a small project in 6mm for Greek/Macedonian shenanigans. My other major project is to build a new play area aka a gaming table.

So far I have purchased 3 x foldable tables of 100 x 60 cm which can be used in any combination (singly, doubly or triply) according to the size of battle required. I have also purchased exact sized (cut to the dimensions of the tables) 3 x 0.75mm mild steel sheets to fix onto the tables. Additionally I have bought 0.5mm magnetic adhesive tape. I already have a few hundred 10 x 10 cm mdf squares that I will decorate as terrain pieces and affix the magnetic tape to the underside. This will then allow me to use the terrain pieces in many different orientations (and allow ease of random choice mechanisms) and give me a grid to play upon and remove that tedious micro measuring with some rulesets! :)

Its starting to come together as all the bits have been delivered so now I need to affix the metal sheets to the tables and to then start with the decoration of the 200+ mdf squares for use on it....updates will follow as progress is made in the meantime;

Tuesday 17 October 2023

A year as Editor

So its now a year since I stupidly humbly said yes to taking on the mantle of editor of Slingshot for the Society of Ancients. In that time I have learnt to actually appreciate the hobby more and been privileged to piece together the journal on a regular basis, learning and hopefully improving as I go. I do hope to keep going with this as it has actually been a real pleasure to do along with the hard work you would expect at the outset. The pleasure aspect is definitely an unexpected bonus and I look forward to the next 12 months. As I write I am in the throes of completing my 7th issue of Slingshot so I cant be doing too badly. As an aside, I have learnt more about publishing in the past 12 months than you can shake a stick at and I appreciate the effort that others put in when doing editing, writing and producing anything including journals, articles and of course blogs. Keep it up guys, i do read alot and I appreciate all your efforts

Tuesday 10 October 2023

The Flip has Flopped

 Having done quite a bit of 15mm painting and basing, I decided to enact that most famous of wargamer's maneuvers...the flip-flop. In this case I have flip-flopped back to 10mm in the same time period and arena of warfare, ie Dark Age Britain. In a fit of pique I decided that I really should finish the mountain of painted/semi-painted10mm figures and get them ready for some rules testing. Once I have completed this next phase I may post some picture but until then its very much hush hush and besides which I cant be bothered ;-)

Wednesday 19 July 2023

Painting is happening....

I have managed to get some painting done in amongst the upheaval of illness and family duties that seem to hang over me. No, that's not a moan or a mope but actually a celebration of the fact I've done some painting and continue to be involved in editing Slingshot. Go me! 

These chaps are Wiglaf 15mm Saxons (the entire current range) painted and based on 40x20mm stands. I havent settled on any particular ruleset so have plumped for 40x20mm and either 4 or 3 figures per base to give me room to use them for pretty much any ruleset and of course I have a selection of movement trays to assist in this as well. They arent quite finished as I need to do some more highlighting and flocking but am happy with them thus far. 

Next up will be some Forged in Battle figures to compliment them


Still here...

Now I am not one to write reams and reams on a blog as my time is limited and my attention span is like that of a gnat or perhaps a butterfl...